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Mountaineer Ship Loaout


The USS Mountaineer is a Crossfield Class Science and Warship Based off the USS Discovery NCC-1031A Refit. The ship was created as a direct result of the loss of the  recreated prototype Spore Drive that was stolen by  Ruon Tarka during the incident with the DMA miner sent by  Species 10-C.

The USS Mountaineer's motto is "Ad audacter ire ubi Montani semper Liberi"

Which when translated into Federation Standard means "To go boldy where the mountaineers are always free"

The ships name is based upon a old Earth Battleship Named the USS West Virginia BB-48 often referred to  as the Mountaineer Battle Wagon.

According to historical records the USS-West Virginia was involved in several active engagements during her commissioned  time. To current knowledge The USS Mountaineer is the second ship to bear the name Mountaineer.


The Crossfield class was a type of Federation starship in service during the mid-23rd century. Though officially designated as a science vessel, during the Klingon-Federation War the class was re-classified as a warship.


Deck 01: Bridge

Deck 02: Transporter, Equipment Locker

Deck 03: Science Labs

Deck 04: Tactical Systems

Deck 05: Mess Hall, Sickbay

Deck 06: Engineering Lab, Environmental Systems

Deck 07: Armory, Gym, Damage Control

Deck 08: Subspace Relays

Deck 09: Mess Hall, Transporter

Deck 10: Hydroponics

Deck 11: Torpedo Launcher

Deck 12: Shuttle Bay

Deck 13: Shuttle Bay, Deflector Control, Storage Tanks

Deck 14: Shuttle Bay

Deck 15: Shuttle Bay

Deck 16: Engineering Lab, Torpedo Launcher, Main Eng

Deck 17: (We call this the PARTY DECK)

Deck 18: Cargo Bays

32nd century refit
During the late 3180s, the Crossfield-class underwent an extensive retrofit. The process took around three weeks to complete and the overall layout was near-identical to before consisting of a saucer section, a wide secondary hull, and two elongated nacelles. However, there were several alterations both aesthetic and design wise. For example, the hull was no longer copper colored and instead was chrome. More major changes were the complete removal of the connecting corridors between the outer ring and inner ring as well as the formerly round deflector dish were given an overhaul as it now appeared hexagonal.

The nacelles were now physically detached but remained connected to the vessel through magnetic seals using superconductors which enabled an improved level of maneuverability during flight. While the warp drive or spore drive was active, the nacelles resumed their former position without detachment. Additionally, the secondary hull appears to have been gutted and changed to accommodate newer impulse engines, with a different shape; the neck of the ship was thinner with a more V-shaped appearance from the rear view, fewer windows, and was generally sleeker.

The turboshafts were entirely removed and were now free floating inside the ship with the magnetic levitation tracks being constructed as the turbolifts moved, thanks to programmable matter.

Tactical systems

Following the retrofit, Crossfield-class vessels acquired a standard Federation cloaking device like many ships in the era, allowing ships of this class to cloak. The act of cloaking was accompanied by a green alert. In 3189, the spore drive could not function while cloaked but this problem was rectified by the following year.

The armaments did not change much, still consisting of deflector shields, photon torpedoes, and phasers, albeit they were all upgraded to be on par with 32nd century weaponry. For example, the phasers no longer fired blue beams but rather green using an unknown particle composition and the shields were now reinforced enough to hold out against an entire fleet of starships firing on it in comparison to previously failing after a single quantum torpedo detonation. Programmable antimatter was used to fortify the shields in anticipation for crossing the galactic barrier.

Propulsion systems

As part of the ship's refit, Adira Tal also included an upgrade to the spore drive reaction cube as well as converting the physical injector shunts into nanogel control interfaces which acted as a quantum transducer. The impulse engines were updated to conform to 32nd century standards and the warp core was completely replaced, technically twice as the originally overhauled warp core was ejected and subsequently exploded.

Furthermore, considering plasma conduits was obsolete, Jett Reno replaced them with the now typical polaric warp conduit.

Computer systems

After the refit, the Crossfield-class no longer utilized duotronic circuitry within its computational systems. Instead, it favored angular isolinear chips within the main computer core. In addition to all current Federation databases of the 32nd century, the ship had access to data lost or damaged during The Burn as well as a hundred thousand years of observations experienced by the Sphere, including statistical measurements of Kaminar, artificial intelligence, Trill, and Trill symbionts.

The merger of the Sphere and the Discovery initiated a natural evolution of the ship's computer, which was accelerated by the integration of 32nd century technology resulting in Zora. Zora was a fully sentient AI with emotions and unlimited access to all of the ship's systems including her own programming, meaning she had autonomous operation of her existence and could prevent herself from being removed in addition to altering her core parameters.

Scientific systems

Discovery's facilities were capable of supporting over three hundred discrete scientific missions – a Starfleet record in 2256.

Sensors included multiphasic scanning capabilities.

Interior design
The ships' design featured polygonal windows to space in crew support compartments including the mess hall and crew quarters. Those same rooms, as well as sickbay and the corridors, mirrored the window design through recessed alcoves on the wall.

Main bridge and command deck

The main bridge was located on Deck 1, with a central command chair for the commanding officer, turbolift access at the front-starboard and rear-center, and a computerized transparent window-viewscreen. Clockwise from the center command chair, the bridge stations comprised of a free-standing multi-purpose station, science, another free-standing multi-purpose station, tactical, helm, operations, spore drive control, communications, and a free-standing science station.

Off of the bridge was the captain's ready room, where, on the Discovery, Captain Gabriel Lorca kept a bowl of fortune cookies on his standing desk.

In 2257, Captain Christopher Pike favored a ready room disconnected from the bridge. This ready room featured a more personalized décor, additional seating, and a conference table as well as a food synthesizer slot and several computer panels.

Paul Stamets and his Glenn counterpart Straal operated their spore drives from engineering test bay alpha, a standard engineering workspace specially converted for that purpose.

Aboard Discovery, the engineering lab was highly classified and required a breath print for access. Immediately off of main engineering was a cultivation bay where Stamets was growing his own prototaxites stellaviatori spores. Aboard Discovery's sister ship, the Glenn, the engineering section was highly shielded, and the hull was double reinforced, preventing transport after a spore drive disaster.
The Glenn had modified the reaction cube in their engineering to hold the tardigrade, as Discovery later did as well.
Disassembly of spore drive equipment aboard the Discovery began in 2257, opening up the engineering lab with exposed conduits and machinery. Nevertheless, the spore drive was still operational.

Medical facilities

Sickbay was located on Deck 4 and featured three biobeds. Similar to on the NX-class, sickbay was much more brightly colored than the rest of the ship, being a near white color.
A second sickbay, Sickbay 2, was equipped to treat overflow and noncritical injuries.

Transport and cargo
Shuttlebays were also present on Crossfield-class starships, with force fields utilized to contain the atmosphere, as was common on starships.
The shuttlebay contained a large platform, delineated by the vessel's insignia, which descended and rotated to enable access to a launch facility for landing pods. Four pods were stored there, leading to a single launch rail and exterior port. Aboard the Glenn, the lower stores in the engineering hull were one of the largest storage facilities on the ship.

Transporter systems

The transporter room aboard Crossfield-class ships occupied a corridor room. The back of the room was a circular alcove containing the transporter pad. The steps of the transporter glowed red when in use.

Crew quarters

Crew quarters of the mid-23rd century tended towards spartan, with only minimal options for customization or decoration. Aboard Discovery, senior officers were assigned their own personal quarters, while junior officers shared quarters.

Crew quarters featured holographic projectors capable of producing a "mirror" image, and a holo-communicator.

Guest quarters were located on Deck 3.

Science labs

Aboard Discovery, Lorca kept his own research lab, containing weapons and specimens that he'd collected (Harry Mudd referred to this lab as Lorca's "man cave"). Located on the lower decks of the engineering hull, this lab featured a holding cell and a window viewing starboard.

Science lab, formerly the captain's ready room (2257)

Following Captain Pike's decision to move the captain's ready room to another location in 2257, the ready room attached to the bridge was converted into a science lab. Numerous pieces of scientific equipment (including a Vulcan data module) were moved into the section, the large window being separated into two ports by a computer terminal, and a large, transparent computer interface subdividing the room.

Recreation facilities
Crossfield-class starships offered a mess hall capable of serving a few dozen officers at once from five food synthesizers.

Ships of this class also had a room, possibly a gym, for sparring.

Information taken from Crossfield class | Memory Alpha | Fandom

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