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Ship Mission Reports
USS Mountaineer Away Mission Report
Date of Submission: 2023.02.15
Date of Event: 2023.02.11
Type of Event: Recruiting
Section: XO

Dual-con two gaming conventions in one, first

half is all old school board and card games, second

half is electronic, online, video games.

Currently it is the day before, tonight we are doing

the setup for event. I think our table will look nice.

Tonight, we start setup at 6 PM. Then the Con starts

at 9:30 am on Saturday morning and is scheduled to run until

11:30 PM. I know we are not going to stay that long. But

we will certainly put our time in.

Attending will be CO-Fleet Captain Mary Francen,

XO-Commander Stephen Richard, sadly our CMO Fleet

Captain David Singleton was not able to attend because of

being a security guard doing a 12 hour shift tomorrow.

Ok, now that Dual Con is over with we can officially

report on it. Things were good, it was a nice first event

for us. While we didn’t have any full signups on the

spot we did make some contacts who are interested in joining,

We did learn things that will work and what types of questions

that people will ask. We still need to get some more things like

the SFI flag, and a ship banner, and other flags.  Our CO Fleet

Captain Mary Francen, participated in a round table event for

local fan clubs.

It was a good event and they asked a great deal of very good

questions on the various topics.

We will certainly plan on going back to it. Other things that

were there was light saber dueling, and SCA demonstrated their

sword play techniques. We had several cosplayers walking around

even cupid in a tutu and no shirt or shoes, the guy doing it

was very brave to say the least.

We spent from 9:30 AM till almost 4 PM there, we did leave

some flyers and business cards just in case someone

 stopped by at the spot.

All and all I would say we had a great time.

Pictures are posted in the Photo Book


USS Mountaineer Away Mission Report
Date of Submission: 2022.12.22
Date of Event: 2022.12.22
Type of Event: Charity
Section: Ship’s Counselor

I, Lt. Jg. Jonathan Nelson, who attended the event of
delivering Christmas presents to a local family, do
hereby submit this following as my away mission report,
I understand that such reports will be listed as part of the
ships mission reports.

I met with Fleet Captain Francen and Commander Richard
this morning to receive the gifts and food that were
purchased by the crew for a local family in need. After
loading the gifts, I contacted the family and let them
know that I needed to meet with them and that I had
some gifts to give them.

When I got the church that I pastor, I unloaded the delivery
and laid it out on a table for when the family would arrive.
When the mother (shown in the photo) arrived, I informed
her that she and her daughter had been chosen by the crew
of USS Mountaineer to receive Christmas breakfast, dinner,
and some presents. She informed that her daughter was only
going to receive a couple of gifts because money was so tight.
In her words, “This is a Christmas miracle. I am so grateful to
this group for caring about me and my daughter and helping make
sure that my daughter has a Christmas this year.”
After I helped her load everything into her car, she wanted to
make sure that I let the crew know how thankful she is and
to “Live long and prosper”!

Mission Report PictureMission Report Picture
2022.12.22 Today the CO and XO dropped off the gifts for the
family we sponsoered, this combined with the food elements
donated from our partner BowlesboyzBBQ were greatly received
by LT JG Jonathan Nelson who will pass them onto the family
his report will follow.

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