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Monthly Status Reports (MSR)
For February 2023
Fleet Members:
44442 FCAPT David Singleton 08/31/2023
53869 FCAPT Mary Francen 08/27/2023
62955 CMDR Stephen Richard 08/20/2023
84971 CMDR Keith Richard 08/23/2023
84982 LTJG Jonathan Nelson 08/31/2023
84987 ENS Shyann Converse 08/31/2023
85012 CRMN Shanta Ramlakhan 09/05/2023
85177 CRMN Michael Barber 10/24/2023
85178 CRMN Kara Barber 10/24/2023
85179 CDT George Barber 10/24/2023
85294 MCPTAndy Clifton 11/14/2023
Mary Francen
IOAE - College of Communications
COM 101 - Interspecies Interaction DISTINCTION 02/02/2023

IOSTS - College of Starship Operations (IOMS:COSO)
CSO-105 - Communications Operations HONORS 02/01/2023 CSO-104 - Guidance and Navigation Operations PASS 02/08/2023

IOTK - STARFLEET Officers Radio School (IOST:SORS) SORS 101 - Radio in TOS PASS 02/02/2023
SORS 102 - Radio in TAS HONORS 02/03/2023
SORS 103 - Radio in TNG HONORS 02/03/2023
SORS 104 - Radio in DS9 PASS 02/03/2023
SORS 105 - Radio in VOY PASS 02/03/2023

SFA Awards
BOCP - Commanding Officer Certification Awarded 02/01/2023 BOCP - Executive Officer Certification Awarded 02/01/2023 BOCP - Second Officer Certification Awarded 02/01/2023 BOCP - Chief Communications Officer Certification Awarded 02/15/2023

Stephen Richard
IOMOS - CSOS - College of SpecOps Specialties
OPS 133 CBRN Warfare & Special Operations, Part 1 DISTINCTION 02/25/2023
OPS 134 CBRN Warfare & Special Operations, Part 2 DISTINCTION 02/25/2023
OPS 135 CBRN Warfare & Special Operations, Part 3 HONORS 02/25/2023
OPS 136 CBRN Warfare & Special Operations, Part 4 DISTINCTION 02/25/2023

IOMOS - CSOU - College of SpecOps Units
RECON 103 - Weapons HONORS 02/10/2023
RECON 102 - Current Recon HONORS 02/10/2023
RECON 104 - Equipment HONORS 02/10/2023
RECON 105 - Training DISTINCTION 02/10/2023
RECON 106 - LRSU Surveillance I HONORS 02/10/2023

IPSS - College of Survival Studies (IOPFR:COSS)
PTS 113 - How to Build a fallout Shelter DISTINCTION 02/08/2023

NCO Development (NCO) NCO-100 Basic Development PASS 02/01/2023

Professional Development (PD)
PD-120 HONORS 02/07/2023
PD-130 PASS 02/08/2023
PD-205 PASS 02/15/2023

SFA Awards Boothby 0050 - Dennis Rayburn (50) Awarded 02/21/2023
Boothby 0100 - Silver (100) Awarded 02/21/2023
Boothby 0150 - Gold (150) Awarded 02/21/2023
Boothby 0200 - Latinum (200) Awarded 02/21/2023

Special Operations (SO) SO-100 PASS 02/24/2023

Support (SU)
SU-100 - Support Basic Course PASS 02/02/2023

Andy Clifton
IOMA CSMP- College of Medical Personnel
CSMP 101a Phlox part 1 HONORS 02/16/2023
2/3/2023- Working on commission release manual updates.

2/4/2023- Putting together the final pieces for our recruiting table event coming up on the 11th of February.

2/8/2023 We never heard back from a venue about putting up a recruiting table for a showing of ST2 and on stage from William Shatner. We had emailed them in October 2022 about this. Would have been a great time to recruit.

2/11/2023 D-Day. The day we did our first major recruiting event. In told we did 9:30 till 4PM at this event which lasted from 9:30 AM till 11:30 PM. We had contact with many people who stopped by to ask about us, some signed our log book, some took flyers or business cards, our CO Fleet Captain Mary Francen took part in a round table event for the various fan clubs around the area. It was a good QA. While she attended the round table our XO Commander Stephen Richard manned the table. We posted various live streams showing the event both on our Facebook and to the R1 site. had someone from the 501st who likes both Star Trek and Star Wars bring a communicator and get a picture with it while doing the Vulcan greeting. We can coexist! We learned what works and what we need to do better, which is great. Overall a good Con full of games and Cosplay. and a gentlemen walking around doing cupid cosplay in a tutu, no shirt, no shoes, and a toy bow and arrow. This con also had a charity event going on at the same time. A auction and raffle to raise money for the American Foundation for Suicide prevention. Which raised $1,056. There was 245 paid attendees and all the vendors, guests, staff, and events runners.

2/15/2023 - Club newsletter is ready for February this will contain pictures of the event we did at the event for recruitment.

2/15/2023 XO Attended the R1 Eng RDC meeting via zoom

2/22/2023 Sent a quote request over to a local vendor to get a commission plaque made for our ship. Trying to support our local businesses as much as possible

2/24/2023 XO attended the 1st BDE SFMC Meeting as the 130th MSG OIC.

02/26/2023 SFSO monthly report submitted

02/26/2023 Submitted Comms Report to R1 COMMS RDC

02/26/2023 Submitted Eng. Report to R1 ENG RDC

2/4/2023 - When are the new SFI things going to be available at the QM, we WANT a SFI flag to hang up for our recruiting table. Email to the QM has said it is still in the works. Does someone have an extra one that we can get one?

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