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Monthly Status Reports (MSR)
For June 2023
Fleet Members:
44442 FCAPT David Singleton 08/31/2023
53869 FCAPT Mary Francen 08/27/2023
62955 CMDR Stephen Richard 08/20/2023
84982 LTJG Jonathan Nelson 08/31/2023
84987 ENS Shyann Converse 08/31/2023
85012 CRMN Shanta Ramlakhan 09/05/2023
85177 CRMN Michael Barber 10/24/2023
85178 CRMN Kara Barber 10/24/2023
85179 CDT George Barber 10/24/2023
85294 MCPT Andy Clifton 11/14/2023
85742 CRMN Annie Bakaleinikoff 03/20/2024

Stephen `Templar Knight` Richard  :

    IOIE - College of Cryptography (COC)
      CRYPTO 004 - Acrostics    06/03/2023    PASS
      CRYPTO 005 - Polygons    06/03/2023    HONORS
      CRYPTO 006 - Cryptograms    06/04/2023    HONORS
      CRYPTO 007 - Book/Phone Codes    06/04/2023    HONORS
      CRYPTO 008 - Word Scrambles    06/04/2023    PASS
      CRYPTO 101 - Codetalkers    06/05/2023    HONORS
      CRYPTO 102 - History of Cryptography    06/05/2023    DISTINCTION
      CRYPTO 103 - Cryptomachines    06/05/2023    DISTINCTION
      CRYPTO 104 - Unsolved Codes    06/05/2023    DISTINCTION
      CRYPTO 105 - Monoalphabetic Substitutions    06/05/2023    HONORS
      CRYPTO 106 - Polygraphic Substituion Systems    06/12/2023    HONORS
      CRYPTO 107 - Transposition Systems    06/12/2023    HONORS
      CRYPTO 108 - Code Systems    06/12/2023    HONORS
      CRYPTO 109 - Stream and Block Ciphers    06/12/2023    HONORS

    IOIE - School of Espionage(SOE)
      SOE 101 - Definition and Means    06/02/2023    DISTINCTION
      SOE 102 - Counter Espionage    06/02/2023    DISTINCTION
      SOE 103 Escape and Evasion    06/02/2023    HONORS
      SOE 104  Industrial Espionage    06/02/2023    HONORS
      SOE 105 Methods    06/02/2023    HONORS

    IOIE - School of Intel History (SIH)
      SIH 106 Communications Intelligence    06/05/2023    DISTINCTION
      SIH 107 Women in Espionage    06/05/2023    DISTINCTION
      SIH 108  Assassination in History    06/05/2023    DISTINCTION
      SIH 109 US and International Piracy    06/05/2023    DISTINCTION
      SIH 110 - Evolution of Covert Underground Operations    06/05/2023    DISTINCTION

    IOMOS - COAA - School of Arms
      WPN 102 - Small Arms Identification Pt. 2    06/11/2023    DISTINCTION
      WPN 103 - Small Arms Identification Pt. 3    06/11/2023    DISTINCTION
      WPN 105a - Hand Grenades Pt 1    06/11/2023    DISTINCTION
      WPN 106 - Shoulder Fired Rockets    06/11/2023    DISTINCTION
      WPN 105b - Hand Grenades Pt 2    06/11/2023    DISTINCTION
      WPN 115 - Survival Blades    06/12/2023    DISTINCTION
      WPN 107 - Improvised Explosive Devices    06/12/2023    HONORS
      WPN 108 - Bayonets    06/12/2023    DISTINCTION
      WPN 114S - Weapons Safety Pt 5    06/12/2023    DISTINCTION

    IOMOS - COAA - School of Star Trek Weapons
      STWPN 101 - Federation and Allied Worlds Weapons    06/20/2023    DISTINCTION
      STWPN 102 - Weapons of Federation Enemies and Friends    06/20/2023    DISTINCTION
      STWPN 106 - Weapons: 2250 & Beyond    06/21/2023    HONORS

    IOMOS - CSOR - College of SpecOps Resources
      COMM 108 - SINCGARS Pt. 1    06/01/2023    HONORS
      COMM 109 - SINCGARS Pt. 2    06/01/2023    HONORS
      COMM 110 - SINCGARS Pt. 3    06/01/2023    HONORS

    IOMOS - CSOR - School of SpecOps Defense
      SNIP 102 - Care of Equipment    06/26/2023    DISTINCTION
      SNIP 103a - Marksmanship Training, Part 1    06/26/2023    DISTINCTION
      SNIP 104 - Field Skills    06/26/2023    DISTINCTION
      SNIP 105a - Movement & Concealment, Part 1    06/26/2023    DISTINCTION
      SNIP 103b - Marksmanship Training, Part 2    06/26/2023    HONORS

    IOMOS - CSOT - School of SpecOps Flight
      FSA 103 - Visual Flight Rules (VFR) Part 1    06/02/2023    DISTINCTION
      FSA 101 - Aerial Navigation Part 1    06/02/2023    HONORS
      FSA 105 - Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)    06/02/2023    HONORS
      FSA 102 - Aerial Navigation Part 2    06/02/2023    HONORS
      FSA 104 - Visual Flight Rules (VFR) Part 2    06/02/2023    HONORS
      FSH 101a - Flight Training part 1    06/10/2023    DISTINCTION
      FSH 102a - Aerodynamics part 1    06/10/2023    HONORS
      FSH 103a - Flight Controls part 1    06/10/2023    DISTINCTION
      FSH 101b - Flight Training part 2    06/10/2023    HONORS
      FSH 102b - Aerodynamics part 2    06/10/2023    HONORS
      FSH 104a - Flight Maneuvers Pt. 1a    06/24/2023    DISTINCTION
      FSH 105 - Flight Maneuvers Pt. 2    06/24/2023    HONORS
      FSH 106a - Flight Maneuvers Pt. 3a    06/24/2023    DISTINCTION
      FSH 103b - Flight Controls part 2    06/24/2023    HONORS
      FSH 104b - Flight Maneuvers Pt. 1b    06/24/2023    HONORS

    IOSS - College of Astrocartography
      ACART 101 - Telescope Identification    06/02/2023    PASS
      ACART 102 - Cataloging the Stars    06/02/2023    DISTINCTION
      ACART 103 - Star Charts - Ancient    06/02/2023    HONORS
      ACART 104 - Star Charts - Eastern    06/02/2023    HONORS
      ACART 100 - Introduction    06/02/2023    HONORS
      ACART 107 - Space Navigation    06/10/2023    DISTINCTION
      ACART 105 - Star Charts - Western    06/10/2023    DISTINCTION
      ACART 106 - The Art of Celestial Cartography    06/10/2023    HONORS

    IOSS - College of Rocketry and Propulsion
      COR 114  Systems and Instruments part 1    06/03/2023    DISTINCTION
      COR 115  Systems and Instruments part 2    06/03/2023    DISTINCTION
      COR 116  Systems and Instruments part 3    06/03/2023    DISTINCTION
      COR 117  Interplanetary Spacecraft and orbits    06/03/2023    HONORS
      SOPr 101 Propulsion introduction    06/11/2023    DISTINCTION
      SOPr 102a Monopropellant Rockets  part 1    06/11/2023    DISTINCTION
      SOPr 102b  Monopropellant Rockets part 2    06/11/2023    DISTINCTION
      SOPr 103  Ion Drives    06/11/2023    DISTINCTION
      SOPr 104a Hall Effect part 1    06/11/2023    DISTINCTION

    IOSTS - College of Federation Studies (IOSF:COFS)
      HOFL 102 - History of Federation law - Early UFP Treaties    06/11/2023    HONORS
      HOFL 103 - History of Federation law - Treaty of Algeron    06/11/2023    HONORS
      HOFL 104 - History of Federation Law - Klingon-UFP Treaties    06/11/2023    HONORS
      HOFL 105 - History of Federation Law - Cardassian-UFP Treaties    06/26/2023    PASS
      HOFL 201 - Androids    06/26/2023    HONORS
      HOFL 202 - Machines    06/26/2023    HONORS
      HOFL 203 - Symbiotic beings    06/26/2023    PASS
      HOFL 204 - Holograms    06/26/2023    PASS

    IOSTS - College of Starship Design (COSD)
      COSD 122A - NCC-1701 Constitution Class Schematics    06/02/2023    DISTINCTION
      COSD 122B - NCC-1701 Constitution Class Schematics    06/02/2023    DISTINCTION
      COSD 122C - NCC-1701 Main Bridge & Shuttlecraft Schematics    06/02/2023    DISTINCTION

    IOTK - College of Aerodynamics
      AERO 101 Aerodynamics part 1    06/10/2023    HONORS
      AERO 102  Aerodynamics part 2    06/10/2023    HONORS
      AERO 103 - Aerodynamics part 3     06/10/2023    DISTINCTION
      AERO 104  Aerodynamics part 4    06/10/2023    DISTINCTION
      AERO 105  Aerodynamics part 5    06/10/2023    HONORS
      AERO 106  Aerodynamics part 6    06/26/2023    HONORS
      AERO 107  Aerodynamics part 7    06/26/2023    DISTINCTION
      AERO 108  Aerodynamics part 8    06/26/2023    HONORS
      AERO 109  Aerodynamics part 9    06/26/2023    DISTINCTION
      AERO 110  Aerodynamics part 10    06/26/2023    HONORS
      AERO 111  Helicopter Aerodynamics part 1    06/26/2023    DISTINCTION
      AERO 112  Helicopter aerodynamics part 2    06/26/2023    HONORS
      AERO 113  Helicopter Aerodynamics part 3    06/26/2023    HONORS
      AERO 114  helicopter Aerodynamics part 4    06/26/2023    DISTINCTION
      AERO 115  Helicopter Aerodynamics part 5    06/26/2023    HONORS

    IOTK - College of Robotics
      CORo 101 Introduction and History    06/02/2023    HONORS
      CORo 102  Aspects of Robotics    06/02/2023    DISTINCTION



Quiet Month, still recovering from the death of our oldest crew member at the end of May. This also affected our newsletters getting sent out as well. Hoping July will get us back onto track.

Looking forward to the plans for the VIC, three of our crew were at the IC in Denver, Co

July 4th BBQ planned to make the announcement to the crew soon. 


Still no real contact from R1 staff, we fully commissioned in April, no communication on the sector meeting since we are not having a full region summit this year.

Working with a ship that is forming in the Delta Sector. Their support ship is in R7, so we are working with them from the R1 side of things. The USS Matthew Decker has had a similar experience with being in contact with R1 Staff.

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