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Monthly Status Reports (MSR)
For November 2022
Fleet Members:
44442 FCAPT David Singleton 08/31/2023
53869 FCAPT Mary Francen 08/27/2023
62955 CMDR Stephen Richard 08/20/2023
84971 CMDR Keith Richard 08/23/2023
84982 LTJG Jonathan Nelson 08/31/2023
84987 ENS Shyann Converse 08/31/2023
85012 CRMN Shanta Ramlakhan 09/05/2023
85177 CRMN Michael Barber 10/24/2023
85178 CRMN Kara Barber 10/24/2023
85179 CDT George Barber 10/24/2023
85294 MCPTAndy Clifton 11/14/2023
Stephen Richard
Aerospace (AE)
AE-100 HONORS 11/28/2022
AE-201 HONORS 11/28/2022
AE-120 HONORS 11/28/2022
AE-110 PASS 11/28/2022

IOMA - College of Medical Knowledge
MEDK 104 - School of Medical Knowledge PT 4 HONORS
IOMOS - COAA - School of Arms

WPN 101 - Small Arms Identification Pt. 1 DISTINCTION 11/24/2022

IOMOS - CSOR - College of SpecOps Resources
EQPT 101 - Combat Gear HONORS 11/24/2022
EQPT 102 - Rations DISTINCTION 11/24/2022
EQPT 103 - Body Armor DISTINCTION 11/24/2022
COMM 102 - Signals Pt 1 HONORS 11/28/2022
COMM 103 - Signals Pt. 2 HONORS 11/28/2022

IOMOS - CSOR - School of SpecOps Defense
SNIP 101a - In the Beginning, Part 1 HONORS 11/24/2022 SNIP 101b - In the Beginning, Part 2 HONORS 11/24/2022 DEFT 101a - Close Range Techniques DISTINCTION 11/28/2022
DEFT 101b - Close Range Techniques II HONORS 11/28/2022

IOMOS - CSOS - College of SpecOps Specialties
OPS 102 - Types of Conflict HONORS 11/26/2022

IOMOS - CSOT - College of SpecOps Training
CSOT 110 - Basic Security Officers Course HONORS 11/24/2022
CSOT 101a - Basic Survival Training, Part 1 DISTINCTION 11/24/2022
CSOT 108 PHYSICAL FITNESS HONORS 11/24/2022 CSOT 101b - Basic Survival Training, Part 2 DISTINCTION 11/24/2022
CAMO 101 - Detection DISTINCTION 11/26/2022
CAMO 102a - Avoiding Detection DISTINCTION 11/26/2022 DMS 100 - Overview DISTINCTION 11/28/2022

IOMOS - CSOU - College of SpecOps Units SEALs 101 - Selection & History DISTINCTION 11/25/2022
RECON 101 - History HONORS 11/26/2022

IOSFE - College of Babylon 5 (COB5)
B5 105A - Babylon 5 Technology Pt 1 PASS 11/10/2022
B5 108 - The Narn PASS 11/10/2022
B5 109 - The Minbari HONORS 11/10/2022
B5 110 - The Pakmara and Drazi HONORS 11/10/2022
B5 111 - Vorlons PASS 11/10/2022
B5 112 - Psi Corp PASS 11/10/2022
B5 113 - Grey Council HONORS 11/10/2022
B5 101b - Babylon Station pt.2 HONORS 11/10/2022
B5 105B - Babylon 5 Technology Pt 2 PASS 11/10/2022
B5 114 - Shadows PASS 11/10/2022
B5 107 - The Centauri PASS 11/14/2022
B5 155 - Susan Ivanova PASS 11/14/2022
B5 151 - Jeffrey Sinclair - The Early Years HONORS 11/14/2022
B5 153 - John Sheridan - The Early Years HONORS 11/14/2022
B5 140 - Narn Books of GQuan and GKar PASS 11/14/2022 B5 156 - Michael Garibaldi PASS 11/14/2022
B5 157 - Stephen Franklin PASS 11/14/2022
B5 158 - Delenn PASS 11/14/2022
B5 159 - GKar PASS 11/14/2022
B5 160 - Londo Mollari PASS 11/14/2022
B5 161 - Lennier PASS 11/14/2022

IOSFE - College of Battlestar Galactica (COBG)
BSG 101 - BatGalactica Characters HONORS 11/13/2022
BSG 102 - BatGalactica Technology HONORS 11/13/2022 BSG 103 - BatGalactica Trivia HONORS 11/13/2022
BSG 111 - Religion of TOS PASS 11/13/2022

IOSFE - College of Star Wars Studies (COSW)
SW DRD 101 - Droids HONORS 11/13/2022
SW BTY 101 - Bounty Hunters HONORS 11/13/2022
SW IMP 101 - Imperial Studies HONORS 11/13/2022
SW IMP 102 - Imperial Ships & Technology HONORS 11/13/2022
SW ALN 101 - Aliens species DISTINCTION 11/13/2022
IOSFE - College of Stargate (COSG)
SG1 101 - Characters HONORS 11/13/2022
SG1 102 - Main Characters HONORS 11/13/2022
STG 101 - Stargate PASS 11/13/2022

IOSTS - College of Federation Studies (IOSF:COFS)
HOFL 101 - History of Federation law - Articles of Federation DISTINCTION 11/25/2022

IOSTS - College of Star Trek Rank & Insignia
IOSTS:CORI-101 ENT Rank Recognition DISTINCTION 11/24/2022
IOSTS:CORI-102 TOS Rank Recognition DISTINCTION 11/24/2022

IPSS - College of Survival Studies (IOPFR:COSS)
PTS 101 - Preparing to Survive HONORS 11/24/2022
MSS 101 - Beginning Mapping DISTINCTION 11/24/2022

Professional Development (PD)
PD-100 PASS 11/23/2022 P
D-201 PASS 11/23/2022

SFA Awards
BOCP - Chief Communications Officer Certification Awarded 11/01/2022
BOCP - Counselor Certification Awarded 11/01/2022
BOCP - Chief Medical Officer Certification Awarded 11/02/2022
BOCP - Chief Security Officer Certification Awarded 11/04/2022
BOCP - Chief Operations Officer Certification Awarded 11/08/2022
BOCP - Chief Science Officer Certification Awarded 11/11/2022
BOCP - Flight Control Officer Certification Awarded 11/13/2022

SFI Individual Awards
Order of Tarbolde of Canopius - 3rd Class Awarded 11/25/2022

Unit Officers School (UOS)
UOS-100 PASS 11/23/2022

Andy Clifton Aerospace (AE)
AE-100 PASS 11/26/2022

Armor (AR)
AR-100 DISTINCTION 11/27/2022
AR-101 DISTINCTION 11/29/2022

Combat Engineer (CE)
CE-100 DISTINCTION 11/26/2022
CE-120 DISTINCTION 11/26/2022
CE-111 DISTINCTION 11/26/2022

Infantry (IN)
IN-100 DISTINCTION 11/27/2022


IOMOS - CSOR - College of SpecOps Resources
EQPT 101 - Combat Gear DISTINCTION 11/28/2022

IOSTS - College of Security in Trek IOMS
CST 001 General Security DISTINCTION 11/20/2022

IOMS CST 002 Section 31 HONORS 11/20/2022

IPSS - College of Survival Studies (IOPFR:COSS)
PTS 101 - Preparing to Survive HONORS 11/28/2022
MSS 101 - Beginning Mapping DISTINCTION 11/28/2022

Leadership Development (LD)
LD-101 Introduction to Leadership DISTINCTION 11/26/2022

Maritime Operations (MO)
MO-100 HONORS 11/26/2022

Mecha (ME)
ME-100 Basic Course DISTINCTION 11/26/2022

NCO Development (NCO)
NCO-100 Basic Development DISTINCTION 11/26/2022

Officer Development (OD)
OD-100 HONORS 11/26/2022

Professional Development (PD)
PD-100 DISTINCTION 11/25/2022
PD-120 HONORS 11/25/2022
PD-130 PASS 11/26/2022
SCC: 85294 Andy Clifton PROMOTED TO Second Lieutenant on 11/22/2022
The XO has been taking courses to get Bridge Officer Cert Program for various departments

Complete BOCP since last MSR
BOCP for CCO 11/01/2022
BOCP for COUN 11/01/2022
BOCP for CMO 11/02/2022
BOCP for CSEO 11/4/2022
BCCP for COO 11/5/2022
BOCP for CSCO 11/11/2022
BOCP for FCO 11/13/2022

11/5/2022 Our Hospitality Department attend a Annual Mac and Cheese Cook-off. A Benefit for the Laurence Jones III Childhood Language Center. Which helps children who have speak problems. Several flyers were passed out and they started to see that if we attended these events as an actual participant, we could reach more people. This is a great learning skill for people new to recruiting.

Attended USS Challenger (R7) who is our support ships meeting 11/6/2022 via zoom. CO ADM Vosseller was full of praise of how far we have come in such a short period of time. The challenge for the Toys for Tots numbers was laid down by us and accepted by the CO of Challenger for 2023.

Published our first Engineering Department newsletter on November 1st, Which is also on the R1 newsletter exchange. In December we will have both our normal Mountaineer Comms newsletter and our combined Engineering and Communications newsletter.

We have ordered our patches for our polo shirts, hats and other things. They have arrived and look GREAT.

Finished adding QR codes to our flyers will be printing out soon.

Submitted our R1 awards for the year.

11/9 XO attended USS Commonwealth chat zoom meeting.

Emailed someone on the R1 unassigned list who is new from WV but not assigned to a ship.(85294) They have joined our ship! *note this was done before the CO/XO meeting where we were told that they only wanted the R1 Staff to contact any on the unassigned list

11/20 CO/XO attended the CO/XO meeting on zoom.

Added a section our website to have a link a page which shares the other Newsletters sent from the newsletter exchange.

Comms report sent to Comms RDC
Eng Report sent to Eng RDC

Adding Pets to Pet fleet and will have a pet fleet section on the webpage.

Reached out to the CO of the R1 USS Aequitas. As the only two current active Crossfield class ships. we are trying to coordinate certain aspects of our ships to create a standard for things like awards and other areas since there is no other ships using the Crossfield class.

Our new member is interested in the SFMC, gathering the info to start one in WV as there is not any active brigades here. Sent the application form over to him with the info he needs to see if he wants to take that step. Waiting for final info from the member and will submit paperwork, XO will be the OIC.

Started SFSO, the XO will be doing a single op currently.

XO has started SFSO & SFMC classes

XO Cmdr. Stephen Richard awarded SFI Orders of Merits 3rd class, Order of Cochrane and Order Tarbolde of Canopius
We would like to start a full fleet challenge for 2023 for Toys for Tots toys collection. this was brought on by knowing that R1 USS Columbus had over 500 toys in 2021.

Due to unforeseen circumstances one of our crew members had to be removed because of personal reasons. (He was on a family account and broke up with the primary account and she didn't want him on the account, and he didn't want to be around the ship)

Still waiting to be added to the R1 CO/XO listserv, sent RC email as requested on 11/20. Finally added 11/30

Still not added to the R1 Website as a ship/Training

Welcome back to the Home Page of the USS Mountaineer