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Service Record of
SOU 1863rd Montes Semper
Date Event
2022.11.25 The first day active!
Not much to report at this point. Currently
it is just me in the unit, but I don’t mind
gives me a chance to see the lay of the
land and to understand just what it is that
we are here for.

For now, I will bide my time by studying,
and I will see how that goes.

Beyond that its very hard to see myself in
this uniform. But this is something I have
waited my whole life to do, and I am going
to find out some truths behind things rather
they like it or not.

Unit Log filed by Cmdr Stephen Richard
2022.11.24 Code Bravo confirmed:
This will serve as the record of
service for the Montes Semper.
Where required information
will be listed as redaced


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