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Crew Handbook

Below you will find a link to the most current Crew Manual.

Current Active Handbook
USS-Mountaineer Crew Handbook 3.5
 Version Control  
3.6 One-year update since Commission (Crew moves and refinements)  2024.X.X
3.5 Final Commission 2023.04.04
3.4 Adding Activation info 2023.03.01
3.3 Added Founding members list 2023.02.05
3.2 Added info on ship/crew awards won 2023.02.01
3.1 Added SFMC, SFSO, Pet fleet 2023.01.13
3.00 Expanded detail and clarity 2023.01.01
2.00 Original 2022.08.26
1.1 First Draft 2022.08.12
0.5 First Outline 2022.08.01

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